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Minggu, 27 Mei 2012

i used to be his friend

   here i go. i wanna share you about my life.(just one of my stories). have you ever break your relationship with your friend?. you both used to be a best friend, but suddenly the condition is that your friend wanna keep away from you just because a small problem that you think actually it's not an important problem. yes I have.

   I used to have a close friend, i wont mention his/ her name. just call "it" as "B".  we used to have many jokes, but, when "B" feel that i was so "yucky" maybe, he kept away from me. and always judged me that i have more feeling creature (perasa in bahasa). sometimes i realize that "B" was true, but i've try to be a good one. i've asked "b" to forgive me, but i think that "B" have already hate me.

okay, here some tips for you if you ever figthing(berantem) with your close friends:
1. please avoid the things that can make a small problems be a big problem, that finally may be can break your relationship with your friend.
2. i advice you, for never have a different gender relationship. why? because sometimes, it will be a platonic relationship in the future. it's okay if you both can be a good couple. how about if the boy hate you and wont be your boyfriend though be your best friend? i "can" imagine that.
3. please throw away your bad habits that like to feel that anything he talk about is you. have more feeling creature(perasa) is not good. really.
4. and the last, if you cant avoid the things that can make you break your relationship with your best friend, DONT EVER HAVE A RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM/ HER ANYMORE. because maybe, there will be a same thing that happen in the future.

okay, that's some of my story and tips. hope you never have a bad experience like mine. thanks :D

Cara Menurunkan Berat Badan

Hahaha. for you, who knows what am i actually, please dont make fun of me -_-. Actually i post this blog because im so obsessed how to increase my weight. hahaha selamat mencobaa. Dan mohon doakan semoga saya berhasiil :)

1. Kekuatan Air. Kita semua telah mendengar bahwa kita harus minum delapan sampai sepuluh gelas air sehari. Tapi apakah Anda menyadari bahwa dengan minum segelas air sebelum Anda menyantap makanan dapat mengurangi nafsu makan Anda? Anda akan memiliki waktu yang sulit makan terlalu banyak karena perut Anda sudah penuh air. cara melangsingkan tubuh ini mudah bukan? hanya dengan minum air terlebih dahulu sebelum makan.

2. Jika anda biasa makan pada malam hari, di situlah masalahnya karena hampir dijamin bahwa apapun yang Anda makan di malam hari akan ditambahkan pada sebagai tambahan berat badan karena Anda tidak akan punya waktu untuk bekerja di luar kalori yang dikonsumsi. Jadi solusi untuk menangkal kelaparan di malam hari adalah minum secangkir teh favorit Anda di sore hari untuk mempertahankan perasaan penuh.

3. Menahan diri pada kebiasaan yang buruk. Ini membuktikan bahwa jika Anda mendapatkan keinginan besar untuk mengatakan pizza atau es krim atau apa pun yang membuat kalori makan Anda bertambah. Salah satu langkah terbaik yang dapat Anda lakukan adalah memberikan diri Anda 15 menit untuk menyangkal sinyal lapar.

4. Makan lebih sering. Dengan makan 5-6 kecil menengah makanan per hari, metabolisme Anda untuk membakar kalori lebih cepat dari yang Anda lakukan dibandingkan makan tiga kali sehari. konsep membakar kalori lebih cepat ini penting untuk melangsingkan tubuh dengan cepat.

5. Makan Banyak di Pagi Hari.Terutama di Negara seperti Indonesia, rata-rata mereka menghabiskan makanan lebih banyak di malam hari. Dengan demikian, tubuh memiliki keterbatasan waktu untuk memanfaatkan kalori pada pagi hari, karena serapan nutrisi yang dimasukkan lebih banya di malam hari.

6. Berolahraga di Pagi Hari. Dengan berolahraga pagi, sebaiknya sebelum sarapan, Anda dapat mempercepat metabolisme Anda lebih mudah daripada jika Anda berolahraga di kemudian hari.

7. Selalu berolahraga. Sangat penting untuk terlibat dalam beberapa bentuk latihan kekuatan dan latihan gerak tubuh.Hal ini membantu anda yang membakar kalori pada tingkat yang lebih cepat. Yang harus menjadi catatan adalah jangan berolahraga berlebihan. Olahraga bagus sekali sebagai cara melangsingkan tubuh dengan cepat.

Daan. ini tips terakhir dari saya. seperti yg orang2 bilang, perkataan itu adalah doa, dan saya sarankan agar lebih baik kita (org yg ingin diet) selalu mengatakan bahwa kita itu langsing, sehat, punya tubuh ideal, dan "BADAN TOP MODEL". karena, perkataan kita itu yg akan mendoakan kita utk mnjadi langsiing. Dan untuk kalian yg belum berhasil, tenaang, manatau Tuhan sudah punya rencana lain, misalnya: bule2 dan org2 ganteng di luar sana suka wanita gendut. dan bgitu jga sebaliknya. -____- weird fact. 

Selasa, 22 Mei 2012


okay, the next task is: promote Bukittingi as the good city to visit.

have you ever come to Bukittinggi? poor you if you've never come to this fresh city #lebay.
Bukittinggi is located on west sumatera. it's well known as "kota wisata". some people say that bukittinggi is "paris van west sumatera". why? b'cause bukittinggi is just look like bandung that's well known as "paris van java". Bukittinggi has many objects and places to visit. not only the places but also the cuisine hmm, i think you'll be addicted by the cuisine because the taste of the cuisine in bukittinggi is pretty good.

  Okay first, let me guide you to tour around Bukittinggi.
1. when you're arrive on bukittinggi, the first place you should go to is jam gadang. why? b'cause jam gadang is located near by sudirman street where there are some hotels beside it. take some pictures there, and.. shopping. yep. there is a market near jam gadang that's well known as "Pasar Atas". you can buy some souvenirs there. but, i advice you to bargain by minang language with the vendor . because, they'll give you an expensive cost if they know that you're not domestic people ;).

 hm, dont forget, you should taste this kind of cuisine, there is a place in pasar atas where you can buy "ampiang dadiah". for you, who love to eat yoghurt give a try for this one, because it  taste niiiice. this is a kind of yoghurt but it mixed with melted palm sugar and "beras ketan" :9.

2. Back to nature, yap. you'll be amazed by this view ha ha. "ngarai sianok" jeng jeng

you can get this kind of view by stand on panorama, not only can see ngarai sianok, but also you can get in and walk around the japanese tunnel.theres a japanese tunnel under panorama.

3. On this part, i'll tell you about the traditonal hand made souvenirs like:
    *. Kain Songket. It has many variation motive, mix and match color, it's well known with it's        expensive cost:
you can get this songket by buy it to Pandai Sikek

4. oh!. yep. what kind of cuisine is it?. it's nasi kapau. *speechless. nasi kapau is so expensive, but surely you'll never be disappointed of the taste :)
wanna know where can you get this kind of cuisine? yes, at "los lambuang" in pasar atas hehe

5. The last but not least, is "Karupuak Sanjai". it's a kind of chips but made of umbi2an. there are much taste of sanjai such as; sanjai balado, original sanjai #eh?. and so on. dont forget to buy this before you leave Bukittinggi kaay
 and you can easily get those chips

Okay i think that's all of my post about Bukittinggi. actually i wanna explain you more than this. but i've already feel sleepy. thanks for coming and please leave your comment :)

Minggu, 08 April 2012


Believe it or not, i just tell that this is the real one. May be you just think that i am over acting. i choose this title because the fact is that my school is the most incredible school in Bukittinggi. First, i want tell you that i post this blog as the task from my TIK teacher, Mr. Nofrialdi. he asked me to create a blog that explain and promote the facilities of my senior high school, SMA N 1 Bukittinggi.

This is the entrance gate of SMA N 1 Bukittinggi
Most of the people in Bukittinggi say that SMA N 1 Bukittinggi is the best senior high school in Bukittinggi, so that, i chose this school after i graduated from my junior high school.
SMA N 1 is famous with some awards that it has got. Not only the awards but also the stretch rules that it has. Most of the collage students in the famous university were graduated from this senior high school.

I will tell you about the famous and favorite places for most of the students. There are:

1. "Perpustakaan" i should be proud of this place :). I think this library is the greatest school's library in Bukittinggi. It has many books that can help the students to increase their knowledge. Most of my girl classmates ussually visit this place, not only to look for some books, but also to meet our librarian, we usually make fun and have some jokes with our librarian and sometimes ask for some advices about boys, is that good? :). this is our library:

2. "Balkon", in the first building, there is a balcony on each side,in the right side and in the left side. Most of the students like to sit there, because from that balconies we can see the views around SMA N 1 Bukittinggi not only that, but also we can breathe with the fresh air there.

3. "Tabek Pak Nazar", yes, sounds funny, but it's real. tabek pak nazar located near the mosque, in front of "kantor majelis guru". Tabek is kind of a pool that there are some fish in it. i have an awkward story. i've threw my friend's mukena into that tabek, and i didnt want to take it out from tabek, finally my friend: memel helped me to take it out from tabek and it was funny i think -_-. here we go!

4."Tangga pustaka". aa, may be this is the most favorite place for most of my girl classmates. we usually have a sit there before we have pray. Make fun of the people that walk beside or in front of us.
(sorry, i havent take picture yet :p)

5. "Jamur" why does it famous as "jamur"? yes, it's a kind of stone table, but it has a roof that looks like a mushroom, and in indonesia, mushroom means jamur. Most of students like to have a seat there because the location of jamur is near by "Kantin besar" and they can sit, talk, and have lunch there easily. this ;)

6. How do we call it? i dont know what's the name of this place and the object on it. This is the place where the students can climb. And it was build for the students which follow the ekstrakulikuler call "Sispala" (Siswa Pencinta Alama). it's located in front of social 1 class. here

7.  And this is the last one, "Lapangan Basket". Actually, there are 2 fields there. The first field is usually use by the students to play basketball. And the other one is usually use to play futsal. here:

There are so many places that i really want to tell you here. But surely you'll never understand. just visit this great school okay ;).

Thanks for coming, i'll be happy if you can leave your meaningful comments here :D